Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Geeky Gadget #2: Cryptex Flash Drive

I came across this amazing gadget while browsing Reddit. This has to be one of my favourite geeky gadgets of all time. This is a Cryptex Flash drive. Many of you might know about a cryptex from reading (or watching) Dan Brown's "The Da Vinci Code", but for those of you who don't know what a cryptex is, it is basically a portable vault that contains secret messages.

Now, the amazing gadget above is a fan-made, and sadly it is not available to buy anywhere, which is a pretty bummer. But i do really hope they start manufacturing it because I would buy it in less than a second. I'm sure many of you have nosy friends and family, and just like me, you would want to hide all of your digital stuff from them.

Here is another picture showing all of its parts:

Well this is it for my second Geeky Gadget, hope you guys have a great Wednesday.

Carry on Super Geeks!


  1. lol, it's great. I love this kind of gadgets. Maybe it'll appear on thinkgeek soon :P

  2. this is too flashy :P pun intended

  3. Haha, that's a pretty awesome looking flash drive but surely it would be sort of inconvenient cause its quite big and heavy looking

  4. Wow that's so steampunk looking, wish I could buy one!

  5. That looks very neat. It looks like it would be a good item to have for those that like their privacy. I've never seen the movie, but I'm guessing the numbers on the case are used to unlock the case, but it would be even better if there was some sort of passcode that you had to enter when trying to access the files after putting it into a computer, with some sort of fail safe if too many attempts are used, such as sending electricity through a computer to fry it, a fail safe that resets as much as the owner wants to.

  6. Oh man, nobody I know could unlock one of those - someone should start producing them.

    Sure, it wouldn't be the most lucrative opportunity, but profitable certainly! Got several customers right here!

    Awesome blog, loving the content I've read so far. Followed!

  7. Hah, that's awesome! I like the mix of new technology with the old school stuff. I'll definitely be following you from now on! Cheers!

  8. Price tag would probably be super high even for a small size drive.

  9. wow. it looks so nice :D really really want one

  10. Seems a bit much to store my homework haha

  11. That looks really nice. i want one just to have one

  12. It's like steampunk-ish. I like it! :D

  13. I so wish i could buy one of those!

  14. That looks tight. I love things like that.

  15. What is the price of this beauty?

  16. looks very beautiful but i think its would be easy to open it

  17. It looks so steampunk, I like it!

  18. pretty good movies and this is great for private stuff!! i would like one as well kthx :)

  19. i want one so badly now. its as shame it isnt buyable :(

  20. Wow, that is one hell of a cool flash drive! I wish I had one myself!
    Tech Me

  21. I'll stick with my $1.00 flash drive.

  22. Seriously, boner ensue.
