Monday, August 8, 2011

Geeky Gadget # 9: MySky Star and planet Identifier

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a great weekend, because i know I did.

This next gadget I'm about to talk about is called MySky:

If you are just like me, and are clueless about the night sky, then  this is the gadget for you. The MySky star and planet identifier looks like a deadly ray gun out of sci-fi movies, but instead of shooting lasers, it will help youlearn about the night sky. All you have to do is point the gun ant a specific star, planet, nebula or galaxy, and it will provide you with all the information you need about the object from the database of over 30,000 celestial objects.

The Mysky identifier uses a 12 channel GPS receiver, magnetic north sensory and accelerometers, which will help you identify and learn about anything in the sky.The best part about this nifty device is that it will even take you on a guided audio and visual tour, which will highlight the best bits based on your current time and location.

The MySky is priced at $400, and it features a full-coulour LCD screen that illuminates sights to easily point at objects, and it can also be used along side a telescope

Thanks for your time guys...see you all tomorrow.


  1. no, i'm a total sky geek, and i want to try it!

  2. this would be so usefull if i wanted to stargaze with my girl friend

  3. Looks fun. Maybe not $400 fun haha but still fun.

  4. this will definitely impress the cheeks :D

  5. Wow! Thats totally cool! Thanks for the heads up about it! My only worry is it only know 30000 celestial objects! Arn't there millions out there?

  6. That is awesome. Great use of technology!

  7. I think it's cooler to actually know the stars and stuff without having to use some gadget like this.

  8. this is some Star Trek shit right there!

  9. Well... there's an app for that...
    and it's free. It's called google sky map and it does pretty much the same thing.

  10. Intersting novelty item but really expensive. It's one of those novelty items that doesn't seem like it'll make money back.

  11. Thats pretty cool, might be good for schools expect they don't normally have class during the night.

  12. I definitely want one! This is sooo coool! I mean don't get me wrong, I would love a telescope, but they are hard to keep still. I can just point and shoot with this!

  13. i like this. I wouldn't have anything good to do with it but it is good.

  14. Seems nice, but not worth the price tag in my opinion.

  15. That looks awesome if not expensive, but there's an app for that.

  16. I love space, but I bet that think is inaccurate as fuck.

  17. That's extremely nerdy but still very interesting. I dont know if i'd buy one, but it would be fun to play with it for a while.

  18. Wow what an awesome invention! I actually think 400 is pretty reasonably priced considering what it does.


  19. Holly molly this is super cool!Huh, bookmarked to share for my geekdom followers. Woot. buy aion accounts

  20. sorry to rain on MySkys parade but if you have an Android Device, theres an app called Google Sky Maps

  21. This one looks interesting if you're into astronomy, also does it work in the principle of the telescope?
